
Few topics are harder to talk about than infidelity.

You have probably not shared this secret with many people. You aren’t around telling the world that you are seeing another man or another woman. You have so much fear that your secret will get out. And you cannot risk feeling the judgment of others. What you need right now is someone who will listen.

I work with clients who undergo the pain of a partner seeing someone else as well as the person who leaves the relationship to be with someone else.

(If your partner is in another relationship right now and you want to read about how I can help you, please click here.)

You did not plan for this to happen. Not when you fell in love with your partner. Or when you said “I do”. Not when you welcomed your children into the world. You didn’t picture yourself as the one “trying to get away with it”.

You can’t continue to feel the anxiety, panic, or depression increasing. You find it hard to get out of bed in the morning or engage in activities to avoid dealing with how you feel. Your sleep could be off or your anxiety is through the roof. Crying is something that happens more often and you don’t have control over it at times. Maybe you feel like you can’t end the affair even though you know neither of you are happy but you still want the thrill and the escape and feel guilty later.

What you are experiencing is totally understandable. Between the feelings you have about the person you are seeing and balancing your primary relationship, you feel lost and confused.

You can begin making sense of your life and finding peace.

I support whatever you choose for yourself. I am not here to tell you what to do. You are an adult and can choose the direction of your own life. And at a time like this, you need to feel heard.

In-person sessions are available in my Montville office.  Virtual sessions are an option for anyone residing in New Jersey.  If you’d like to explore working together, call me at 201-248-5552 or email me at cmgsnyder@gmail.com for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.